
In 2020, the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission handled over 67,000 charges of workplace discrimination. As you prepare to enter the workforce, it will be imperative to know how you and your job will be protected under both federal and state laws. By identifying unfair or illegal workplace practices, you will be able to take action to ensure that your coworkers and yourself are all being treated fairly, and equitably.

Throughout this course, we will cover multiple topics in the discussion of workplace laws. In the first section, we will be covering child labor laws, for those under the age of 18 this course will be especially important. We will continue to speak about discrimination laws regarding race, gender, disabilities, and sexuality, as our goal is to ensure everyone in our community is treated fairly and with respect.

Before we begin, I would like for everyone to take a quick assessment quiz. This will be a great opportunity for you to review the knowledge you already have, as well as prepare you for some of the topics we will be covering throughout this course.

“There is no America without labor, and to fleece the one is to rob the other.” – President Abraham Lincoln

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