
TLT Leading Leaders Intern Facilitator and / or Mentor Application

Texas young adults 15- adult,  across Texas, take part in a curriculum based, hands-on internship opportunity to gain valuable work experience, explore a career path, develop, and refine skills, gain confidence and build professional relationships. All career paths can find a valuable opportunity in one of the positions offered, the experience is tailored to the participant.

Facilitators will conduct weekly team meetings and schedule 1×1 meetings with each intern biweekly guiding them through the program. Meetings vary based on group of interns.  High School interns generally meet early evening, late afternoon in fall and spring,  while adults will meet during the day. Participants commit to a day time meeting schedule during their interview process.

Mentors will share their career journey, the challenges, the gratifications and how to succeed in this role. May also include resume building, coaching, mock interviews, all remotely through virtual meetings. Our goal is to bring knowledge and awareness of the different career opportunities available, by giving interns exposure and access to inspirational, positive, caring professionals. Mentors will provide guidance in how to navigate through the professional world, as they embark on their journey in taking the first steps into their careers, or just opening their minds to wider horizons.

So how does this work?

After you complete a background check (usually takes 1-2 days), you select a team meeting to come and sit in on.  (Monday or Tuesday, times vary). You visit with interns closely to your field of interest in a short breakout room.  You are invited to watch their weekly team meeting project presentation and are invited to provide feedback.  After the meeting you share who you would like to work with, we send you both an email sharing this opportunity to have a mentor and if accepted by the intern, you both schedule your own virtual mentor sessions to meet your schedules.

All TLT Leading Leaders Intern sessions are remote/virtual.

Multi State Background check required.

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