

In Person Student

Facilitator Application

Board Member

Mentors and Volunteers

In-Person Program Application Process

The application process is designed to help us learn about each participants’ desired career goals, motivation and interest in leadership development, and give back to their communities.  Our goal is to create a group of participants who will benefit from this experience, as well as contribute to the TLT: Tomorrow’s Leaders Today (TLT) program and to their communities now and in the future.

Click here to access the In-Person Participant application for the 2020 academic year during the appropriate session open period.

The application consists of a student information section and a questionnaire. 

The questionnaire consists of five questions, each with a character limit of 1,500 (including spaces). The application questions are as follows:

1: Why are you applying for the TLT Leaders Program and what do you want to gain from the program?

2: Tell us about a personal accomplishment that makes you proud.

3: From your own experience and knowledge, what does a good leader look like and do?

4: What problems (in your school, neighborhood, community, etc.) would you like to learn more about and/or address?

5: In what ways have you served your community & why was it important to you?

Other required items that must be submitted with the application

The total non-refundable TLT tuition is $275 which helps to offset the costs of staff time, materials and other program costs required to operate the program. Upon Notification that the applicant has been selected, the balance of the tuition ($250) must be paid in full prior to the first session.

TLT is committed to ensuring that qualified young people can participate regardless of their family’s ability to pay tuition. For that reason, we have established a limited scholarship fund and award financial assistance based on need.  Scholarships are awarded based on family income, size and other factors related to a family’s ability to pay, as well as the financial assistance funds available. Please click here for instructions to apply.

Each applicant will be reviewed and selection is made based on their application, references and essay.

Applicants are selected without regard to race, creed, ethnicity or national origin, socioeconomic status or ability to pay, disability, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation or other protected factors

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